Taking useful meeting notes dramatically boosts your learning and influence, yet few professionals give much thought to this critical skill.
In this audio-only course, join Anh Dao Pham—senior executive and the author of Glue: How Project Leaders Create Cohesive, Engaged, High-Performing Teams—as she provides practical tips to elevate your note-taking and career. Anh credits much of her career advancement to this “superpower” and shares overlooked best practices.
Learn how taking notes lifts your personal brand, influences workplace power dynamics, and encourages reciprocity from colleagues. Enhance your notes with insights on clarifying decisions and actions, synthesizing sequences, highlighting gaps, sharing inferences, and much more. Anh also explains how a tiny investment in accelerating your typing speed provides a massive benefit over the course of your career.
This course was created by Pete Mockaitis of How to Be Awesome at Your Job. We are pleased to offer this training in our library.
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