Department of Humanities and CommunicationsDevelop Your Career CompetenciesHumanities & CommunicationNegotiate an Offer

Pep Talk from a Lawyer Before You Enter a Negotiation

There are many approaches to negotiation. In this brief course, attorney and entrepreneur Dana Robinson gives you a pre-negotiation pep talk and guides you through the negotiation process. Learn key points to help you prepare for the best possible outcome. Find out how to avoid negotiating against yourself, how to remember your worth, and how to be ready for possible concessions. Prepare yourself to address important questions. Are you ready to justify what you want? Do you know what the other side wants and why? Are you laying down too early on concessions or waiting until the time is just right? Are you asking the right questions? Get pumped and ready for a successfully negotiated outcome as you review the required essentials with this quick pep talk.

This course was created by EverCourse. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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