Department of Humanities and CommunicationsHumanities & Communication

Writing in Plain English

Plain English—writing that is clear and straightforward; targeted at the appropriate reading level; and free of jargon, wordiness, and clichés—is the standard for government communication in the US and is favored by many corporations. In this course, Mignon Fogarty shows you how to use plain language tools to become a better communicator. Mignon starts with a look at how to organize information and define your audience to meet your plain English goals. She then gets into more specifics of plain language writing, like how to choose the best words and sentence structures. Lastly, Mignon shows how you can use artificial intelligence tools to make writing in plain language faster and easier than ever before. Join Mignon to find out how you can use proven techniques to make your writing clear, effective, and even more impressive to your readers.

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