BusinessDepartment of Science, Technology and MathematicsSchool of BusinessScience, Technology, and Mathematics

The Datapreneurs: How People Are Shaping the Future of AI (Book Bite)

The rise of artificial intelligence isn’t some recent tech fad, but rather a result of decades of research and investment. It’s the foundation of what may soon be an AI general intelligence. In this audiobook summary, Bob Muglia and Steven Hamm share five key insights from their book The Datapreneurs: The Promise of AI and the Creators Building Our Future. Listen as Bob and Steve discuss the arc of data innovation, how people and data are the most important business assets, the importance of values, and how machine learning and AI are changing the models we use in business and our everyday lives. Plus, Bob and Steve look at the many correct predictions made by Isaac Asimov.

Note: This audiobook summary was created by Next Big Idea Club. We are pleased to host this content in our library.

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