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Embrace the Work, Love Your Career: Realizing Your Career Goals with Clarity and Confidence

Do you ever struggle to create goals that will create real value for your organization and your own career? Fran Hauser, bestselling author of The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate and Embrace the Work, Love Your Career, gives you simple, inspiring, actionable tools that empower you to focus on the things that truly matter, set boundaries, and realize your full potential. Fran goes over steps to fall in love with your career and design your career plan for both value creation and connections, skills, and brand. She offers practical advice on creating the time and space to achieve your goals, as well as learning to say no with kindness. Fran dives into techniques to change the way you work, recognize your own value, and build your dream team. Plus, she guides you through using mindfulness and meditation to reflect and reset.

Note: This course was created by genConnectU. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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